Software SMS Midd Enterprise TCASTSMS ini di peruntukan untuk Perusahaan yang ingin memiliki sistem SMS baik Cloud Installed maupun On Premise Installed di server dedicated. Bekerja untuk device SMS yang berbasis IP dan dapat mengambil gateway via HPPT GET sms masking dari berbagai aggragator SMS baik luar maupun dalam negeri.

Dalam fiturnya memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat client, membuat reseller, generate api key, rubah bahasa, create invoice, create paket sms, create group client, bulk sms, terjadwal sms, sms template, report sms, dll.

Silahkan hub sales kami 0812 1010 055 atau 0811 8744 055

Fitur dan Menu

  • Dashboard: Total Client, Invoices, Tickets, SMS Success History, SMS History, BY DATE, RECENT 5 INVOICES, RECENT 5 SUPPORT TICKETS
  • Clients Management: Client Group, Support Create Reseller System and Export Import Clients
  • Invoices Management
  • Keywords Setting
  • Contacts: Phone Book, Import Contacts, Blacklist Contacts, Spam Words
  • Coverage / Routing operator
  • Recharge System: Price Bundles, SMS Price Plan, Add Price Plan
  • Bulk SMS: Send Quick SMS, Send Bulk SMS, Send Schedule SMS, Send, SMS From File, Schedule SMS From File, Campaign Reports
  • Recurring SMS and base File: Daily, Weekly, Month, Year, and Custom Date
  • Sender ID Management
  • SMS Templates: Support Merge Field
  • Add SMS Gateway SMPP Client and HTTP API LINK
  • Reports SMS and Block Message
  • SMS Api: with SMS API KEY
  • Support Tickets: SUPPORT DEPARTMENT
  • Administrators and Roles
  • Settings: System Settings, Localization, Multi Language Settings, Payment Gateways